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Our Commitment to Academic Integrity

This text concerns our efforts to ensure that our essay writing service complies with academic integrity standards. We assist college, university, and high-school students with their written assignments and provide guidance in various homework tasks. Taking on this role in a student's academic experience requires us to be sure that all clients use our service responsibly.

Following Educational Principles

As a writing service, we aim for our students to get high-quality essay writing help while we meanwhile adhere to the principles of academic honesty. All our activities are aimed at students' educational growth and to promote an ethical and transparent culture in education.
The PayForWriting platform is following mentioned activities in order to uphold academic integrity standards and ensure that students' learning experiences are improved rather than harmed:

No plagiarism

Copying the work of other authors without proper acknowledgements.

No cheating

Submitting the paper received from PayForWriting without any changes.

No data fabrication

Artificially creating fake data, images, documents, and other information. E.g., creating unreal financial statistics, citations, etc.

No impersonation

Using the identity of another student for any reason.
PayForWriting writers won't be engaged in assisting you with exam questions and tests. Exams are aimed at evaluating students’ knowledge of a subject, and this responsibility lies solely on the students. Any requests to do ACT, SAT, and diagnostics assessments will be automatically rejected.
Experts that are consciously involved in cheating and other activities that are contrary to the school, college, or university policies of a student’s educational institution will be removed from the PayForWriting service immediately.

Spreading Academic Integrity at All Levels

Order reasons

We strive to adhere to academic integrity principles and encourage the same among our clients and writers. All our activities are intended to prevent fraud, academic dishonesty, and illegal activity.

Here we have collected messages to all individuals who are directly and indirectly connected to the activity of our service to discuss the importance of academic integrity.

Dear students

PayForWriting is pleased to support and guide you with your written assignments, as we know how hard they may be. But we ask you to use our service responsibly and according to the academic integrity principles of your educational institution. All materials you receive from our writers should be used as a:

  • A basis for your own research
  • A sample to follow in your writing
  • An outline for your own work
  • A means to better understand concepts and ideas
  • An source of information to supplement your coursework

Don't hand in the work you receive from our writers as your own, and remember that your educational journey is an avenue for personal growth. Be original and keep developing your critical thinking skills.

Dear teachers

We recognize how crucial and complicated it is to uphold academic honesty in the classroom. While our service can be highly beneficial to a student's education, ensuring that students use it right is crucial.

As a part of the academic society, we ask you to continue explaining the importance of responsible use of writing services as a means to promote personal development versus as a means to stunt it. Please report any violations of academic integrity to support honesty and transparency among your students.

Dear writers

You do an important job sharing your knowledge with students and shaping their academic experiences. That's why we expect you to be ethical and adhere to academic standards, following these points:

  • Provide only original, well-researched, and properly cited works to show clients the best academic writing practices.
  • Don't get involved in activities that may violate the academic integrity principles and standards of a student's college or university.
  • Avoiding cheating and fraud should be among your highest priorities.
  • Stay professional and keep the client's confidentiality throughout your collaboration to maintain high standards of service.

Dear parents

Every parent wants the best education possible for their kids. Hiring a professional writer to help your student improve their writing skills may be a good decision.

But do talk honestly with your child about the ethical use of writing services and encourage them to actively participate in these educational tasks. By instilling educational values and financial support, you can ensure your child appropriately uses and benefits from excellent academic resources.

How to Use PayForWriting Respecting the Principles of Academic Integrity

With our educational services, we strive to provide quality writing solutions for students from colleges and universities all over the world. We understand that processing vast amounts of new information and course programs can be challenging for students. As a result, students may be tempted to use our service inappropriately. To get the most out of the help we offer and to responsibly use the materials obtained through our service, we offer the following advice for students.
  1. Use as a source of supplemental materials. View our service as a source of additional information for your assignment instead of as a complete solution. We offer essay samples as guidelines to broaden your perspective and to help you learn.
  2. Develop offered ideas. As educators, we care about the originality of concepts used in our experts' papers. We expect the same from our clients. Use the work you receive to gain new perspectives and use your critical thinking skills to enrich your educational experience.
  3. Communicate ethically. Our service has an online chat for communication between you and our expert writers. You are encouraged to communicate with your writer in order to get more out of your collaboration and to improve your understanding of your topic. Also, we encourage you to share your assignment instructions as well as whatever materials might aid the writer in providing you with high-quality help.
  4. Use the work we offer as an example. If structuring an essay, incorporating citations, and elegantly composing ideas is challenging for you, you can use our writers’ sample texts for guidance. Analyze the work you received and to help you improve your writing.
  5. Get a better understanding of the assignment requirements. New writing tasks can be stressful, as it can be hard to understand what the teacher expects to see. When an expert writer provides you with a completed sample assignment,you quickly learn the required approach, citation style, etc.
Who can write my essay and help me with my studies? Edit your sample, visit our blog, and read our guides! You’ll see how much easier your writing routine will become!

Contact Us

We are always focused on maintaining academic integrity principles with all of our educational services. Our quality assurance team is there to help tackle any issues connected to fraudulent or unethical use of our writing services. If you have any questions regarding academic dishonesty or plagiarism, don't hesitate to get in touch with us via [email protected].
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