How to Write a Business Bio – A Detailed Guide

Definition of a Business Bio

A business biography is a biography that gives the reader a sense of who you are and what you do, shows your expertise and credibility, and demonstrates your experience and background. Every working person needs to know how to make a business biography correctly, and what information should be indicated in it. This task does not appear so often, but it is better to familiarize yourself in advance with the rules on how to write a business bio to clearly understand which scheme to adhere to when writing a document.

how to write a business bio

Aim of a Business Bio

It is important to know the aim if you want to learn how to write a business biography. The main purpose of the business bio is not to demonstrate your company achievements and the story of important career moments. Here is another task – show your professionalism, work experience, and what your company does. The reader should learn from the bio what career advancement your company has already reached, and what your company potential is.

Peculiarities of a Business Bio

In addition to the achievements in business activities, it is necessary to provide information about additional work that was conducted during the company’s existence. It is worth paying attention to such important points as the goals of the company. It is recommended to display the true state of affairs concisely and delicately.

Business Bio Writing Steps

  • Introduce the company and its owner. Composing a business bio begins from basic information: introduce the owner – write the name, indicate the year of birth, and from introducing the company – write the name of the company, and indicate the year it was founded.
  • Review the services and products. After you introduce the owner of the company and the company itself, it is desirable to immediately indicate information about services and products that the company offers.
  • Speak about awards and accomplishments. It is necessary to give information about promotions, awards, positive changes in the company, and accomplishments.
  • Mention the publications and recommendations. Your company will be valued more if it has publications and recommendations.
  • Write the contact information. Write the main address of the company, and the name of a person who can be contacted.
  • Write in the third person.
  • Publish the business biography. Before you publish it, don’t forget to proofread the paper.

Here is an infographics you can use as a crib note while writing your email.

How to Write a Business Biography

Business Bio Template Analysis

After reading the analysis of a business biography sample, you will have an idea according to which scheme the biography is written, but it is necessary to specify the information taking into account your particular case. When composing a bio, you should read through the following analysis of a business biography template. Check also other business bio examples written by our writers.

Click the images to see their full size.

business bio template

business bio template analyzed

business bio sample analysis

Business Biography Writing Tips

  1. There are no strict requirements for writing a business biography, but it is necessary to know the general rules for its compilation, because this paper belongs to the category of business documentation.
  2. An autobiography should be capacious and concise, and the optimal size of the document is 1-2 sheets. In practice, it has been proved that voluminous bios are not fully read and do not reveal the author’s virtues – they lead to the opposite effect.
  3. The form of presentation of information is business style. The business bio should be written without errors, since when reading the document, the first impression will be made not according to the written text, but in the form of the presentation. Therefore, literacy and “easiness” of perception will give good scores to your company.
  4. During the compilation of a business bio, chronological order should be adhered to – the text should be composed consistently and logically.
  5. An important point – all the information that you personally indicate in your business bio must be true. Any unreliable information, in the case of detection of deceit, will create certain problems for you, up to the point of a damaged business image. Wrong information in the bio can be a serious obstacle to obtaining success to your company.

Mistakes in Writing a Business Biography

  • Grammatical and stylistic errors, clerical errors, and unstructured text. A business bio abounding with such “bloopers” is the main contender for the trash can. No self-respecting person will end up reading a text with errors. Nobody will be interested in an illiterate business bio.
  • Unformatted text. It is very difficult to read a business bio in which the text is written without paragraphs, highlights, and clarifications. Personnel staff, as a rule, do not read the whole text they professionally know, and instead read “diagonally,” looking for the most important phrases for them personally in the bio. It is recommended to clearly distinguish headings and subtitles; it is forbidden to use a different font, colored markers for highlighting, and other decorations. No more than two different fonts should be used in one document, and bold highlights and underlining in paragraphs and titles are not allowed. A bio is an official document, not a love letter.
  • Template bios are similar to hundreds of others. Biography clones will not be considered in respectable companies as well, arguing that a company will not be able to competently follow the course of a developing company.
  • Inaccurate start and end dates. Such a fuzziness of chronological dates reveals a company that is lying and not purposeful.
  • No aim is indicated. What is the purpose of the business bio? The answers to these questions largely determine the structure of the biography and its content.
  • Inclusion in the business bio of the entire list of work biographies. If the work experience is more than ten years, it is not recommended to specify in detail all the facts of company development.

Now, you can begin writing a biography, as our guide explains how to write a business bio. We’ve tried to describe all important points for writing. This kind of help can be offered not only for those who write bios – you can also find guides for other business papers on our blog. Our guides are the best option for preparing high-quality business papers.