Novel Review Examples

Symbolism in the Book The Catcher in the Rye

July 16th, 2020

Jerome David Salinger hid a lot of symbols in his novel ‘Catcher in the Rye.’ It’s also attractive for readers when the author speaks about the transition from childhood to adulthood. This transition is always harmful to every young boy or girl because it is difficult to recognize the boundary between these two periods. For example, the ‘Catcher in the Rye’ red hunting hat symbolizes the uniqueness that every child has until they become an adult. The color of the…

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest Book Review

October 29th, 2019

The practice of reconsidering the values and perspectives offered in an important literary work is not uncommon. Many novels have been revisited and criticized for the values that they carry. Ken Kesey’s One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest is one of such works, as it has numerously been accused of sexism, racism, and propaganda of machismo. However, it seems that many critics have missed the important point of the novel, which is the narrator being a mentally ill individual. Once…

Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk

June 1st, 2013

Violence as a Part of Philosophy in the Novel Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk Fight Club is a novel by Chuck Palahniuk, published in 1996. It was the second novel by Chuck Palahniuk, later made into a film in 1999 by director David Fincher, starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton (Palahniuk, 1996). The purpose of the novel Fight Club is for the readers to see what happens to an individual who is lonely and looking for some way to connect…

The Help By Kathryn Stockett

May 31st, 2013

Nature of Racism in the Novel The Help By Kathryn Stockett: Is It Inherent or Taught? The Help is a novel by Kathryn Stockett, published in 2009. The story is about African-American maids working for white employers in Jackson, Mississippi during the early 1960s. It took Stockett five years to complete the book. It was rejected by at least 60 agents before its final approval. It has since been published in many countries in three different languages. The major theme…

The Road by Cormac McCarthy

May 18th, 2013

The Road, written in the year 2006 by the renowned writer Cormac McCarthy, is a story of a boy and his father on a journey through a landscape flaming with disasters that have destroyed civilians over a long period of time. It was adapted as a film in the year 2009 by the same name. The setting of the story is on a land after the apocalypse which has destroyed civilization. It is also without life and vegetation, thus there…

Get Benefits of Our Novel Review Examples

payforwriting is a great source of writing advice and samples on many kinds of disciplines. While our main content is dedicated to essay writing, we also publish other paper samples including novel, art, biography, movie, play, and poetry reviews. All the review samples you will find here are exemplary and written by professional writers that have profound experience in academic writing.

If you have spent some time to write a novel review, but still can’t write one – you definitely need help. A good example can kick start your writing and make your work more effective. With our novel review examples that you can find on our site you will be inspired with new ideas, structures, and content.

Definition of Novel Review

First, let us see what a review is. A review is a critical piece of writing, the main purpose of which is to evaluate a book, event, object, phenomenon, and many other things. The writer that wishes to write a review should consider the fact that a review and summary are different. The most important aim of a review is to show a discussion about the work, not simply a summary. You are welcome to show your point of view about the subject and share your knowledge and judgments supported by evidence and examples. This article will consider the peculiarities of a novel review.

A novel review is a kind of writing that reflects not only what the novel is about, but also whether the author has successfully explained the main idea. Usually a novel review falls into two parts: critical and descriptive. The first one evaluates and gives a profound critique about the novel accompanied with evidence. The second one is only briefly describing the text of a novel.

Reviewing a Novel for the First Time? Consider These Tips!

Reviewing a novel can be a problem, especially if you are only making steps to become a master of writing. If you feel uncertain when someone asks for your opinion about the novel you have just read, these tips combined with our samples will help you create your own essay.

Unfortunately, there are no magic words that will immediately help you write a review. Every person can create their own method to writing a novel review that will be right for his or her situation. Just keep in mind that you need to express what you think about the novel. The following tips were collected by our writers and we advise you to read them before you proceed to reading our samples and writing your paper.

So, you have decided that you are ready to read the book. It happens that a student has read the novel and when it comes time to write a review, the student needs to read it for the second time to find quotes and refresh his or her memory of some moments. If you want to read more effectively, consider the following recommendations before you start reading the novel:

 – Read the text attentively. If you haven’t understood the passage or the thought, reread it until you understand it.
 – Highlight the most meaningful quotes. This can be useful when you will be writing your review. You can number these quotes and connect with your impressions from the next point.
 – Take a notebook or a piece of paper. Write your impressions while you read. This is very helpful to remember the moments that strike you.
 – Set the novel aside for some time. It will give you the ability to think about what you have read. One author has said that writing a review is like baking bread: you put yeast and set it aside to let it rise. The same is with a review: you read the novel, set it aside for an hour or a day (depending on your timing), and only then start to write the review.
 – Underline the overall impression about the novel. This may become the core idea that you will be transferring to readers through your review.

It will be helpful to consider some questions while you read the novel. You can create your own list of questions or use the following list created by our writers.

  • Is the novel interesting to read? Why?
  • What ideas does the author try to illustrate in the novel?
  • Has the author succeeded in presenting ideas or arguments?
  • What literary tools does the author use?
  • Is the writing easy to read?
  • Does the novel contribute to a particular genre? What distinctive characteristics does it have?
  • Can the novel be compared to other texts that you have already read?
  • What is the major criteria for judging the novel?
  • Can you recommend this novel? Will it be useful or interesting to a certain category of readers?

A novel review can answer other questions that you see as important, so keep in mind that you need to include other information along with the list of questions.

Structuring and Writing a Novel Review

Once you have read the novel and absorbed the information, you are ready to start writing a review. Usually reviews consist of a short summary, some background information about the author and novel, and an analysis of the content.

Keep in mind that you are writing this text for a certain audience. Imagine that these people haven’t read the novel and your review will help them have a good understanding about the plot and whether it is worth reading.

Novel reviews have a common structure, like most pieces of writing, which includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. Before starting to write the review, examine all notes that you have created while reading the book. Eliminate irrelevant information and write down all thoughts you have about the novel. Read some information about the author and the history of the creation of this novel. Explore other authors’ works and analyze topics the author commonly discusses in his or her texts.

Introduction. The opening sentences should set the tone of your review. Describe your overall impression of the novel; briefly tell some information about the author and how the novel was created; state the significance of the novel; and tell about the relationship between this text and other texts by the same author or the same genre. Basic information that you will tell from the very beginning will help the readers better understand the following text.

Body. The body paragraph may contain several observations about the novel that will tell about strengths and weaknesses and how this novel fits into other texts by this author. All your thoughts should be logically structured and connected with one another. Also, support all the claims with passages. Carefully select them and make sure that they correspond to your argument. Such quotes help the reader understand what you mean when you write, for example, that the character is greedy or open minded.

Conclusion. Mention that you need to sum up your review with stating your overall personal reaction. This section should leave the reader with something to think about.

After you will finish the first draft, reread it several times. Don’t be upset if you find your text is not perfect, as you are just learning to write reviews. As any type of paper, a novel review has no place for mistakes and errors. We know that it is hard, but try to read your text as a reader, not as an author. Make sure that your text is clear and has an informal tone. Check the format, quotes, and references.

Submit the best version of your review. That means that you have written a concise text that brightly expresses your opinion about the novel including quotes and evidence. Your thoughts should flow from one to another and your writing should be free from spelling and grammatical mistakes.

What to Do If You Don’t Like the Novel

It is okay if you don’t like the novel if you have read it to the end. Consider that you can’t write a credible review if you haven’t read the novel to the end. Even if the genre of novel is not what you normally read, it will be an interesting experience, believe us. If you disagree with some moments in the novel, you should reflect a gracious attitude towards the author.

A review can be presented from two angles: positive and negative. Both of these sides need examples and direct quotes that will prove your point of view. What faults have you seen in the novel? Why is the text not to your taste?

How Novel Review Examples Can Help You

If you need to write a novel review, you may also like other review samples on art, short stories, and others available on our site. All of our samples were designed to help students understand how a complete novel review may look. You have a wonderful opportunity to check sample papers on our site totally for free. Browse the menu bar and pick the paper type and read guides, topic suggestions, and samples. You may also ask for “pay someone to write my paper” help and get a well-researched paper within the shortest time limit.

When you only start exploring the process of writing a novel review, you will need some good examples to follow. Learning from example is a normal practice among beginners at any sphere of knowledge, whether you are willing to become a professional writer, artist, or scientist. Reading someone else’s work can expand your attitude toward writing, give you great methods to begin or end the review, and what issue can be considered while reviewing the novel. Even if you haven’t come up with a topic, you can be inspired with a sample and take its topic as a basis for your own writing.

Following a ready-made paper doesn’t mean thoughtlessly rewriting the paper. Every human being should expand their abilities to think and analyze. So, skipping the possibility to copy this text or to rewrite it, think about the structure the author has taken for his or her text. What interesting approaches have you read? What instruments has the author used in the text? How has the author supported arguments? How can you use this information to write your own text?

Another important point to note about our novel review samples is the fact that all reviews were completed by academic writers. This ensures that our readers have a great opportunity to learn from good examples. At the same time, the length of our samples corresponds to the average word count required by tutors. Also, check our guide on how to write a novel review and a list of suggested topics! With payforwriting you can learn how to write novel reviews from scratch!

Please, consider the fact that all samples follow certain requirements and may differ from requirements from your assignment. We recommend our readers to give priority to requirements stated in your assignment, and contact your tutor if you have any misunderstandings.

Samples can be helpful to find ideas for your paper when you can’t come up with the main argument towards the novel, but at the same time you can lose your own point of view. Please, resist the temptation to copy the whole novel review sample or its parts to your paper. All text copied from the internet is considered plagiarism, and if you don’t want to get in trouble, use the sample in the right way.

If you will ask Google to find “example of review text novel,” it will show you the list of sites that can contain the desired texts. But be careful while reading samples from other sites. If you are searching for unbiased and high-quality examples, make sure that they are of a good quality. Many sites say that they have samples of novel reviews, but in fact you will find only summaries. Such texts can only briefly mention the literary aspects of the novel such as the theme, or a description of characters.

We hope you will find helpful novel review examples here at Payforwriting. Just explore our website, and you will find lots of reviews, and other academic papers written by professional writers. But that’s not all. You don’t have to pay for them, as all of our material is available totally for free. When you can read both instructions on how to write a novel review and read a good sample, you are bound to succeed. Check our recommendations and samples right now and don’t hesitate!