Secrets of Using the Invitation Letter Samples
Festival Invitation Letter Sample
Alice Morgan June 20, 2022 123 Sticky Street, Kensington, NY 12454 Dear Ms. Morgan, GRAND OPENING OF KENSINGTON CARTOON FESTIVAL On behalf of the Kensington Cartoonist Association, Animation Cats and the Federation of Cartoonist Organizations (LOST), I would like to extend a warm…
Job Invitation Letter Sample
Antony Thomas 30th May, 2013 P.O. BOX 0200 West Gate Ave. Seattle, WA 91819 Dear Mr. Cliff, RE: JOB INVITATION I am the Human Resource Manager of the ABC Interbrand company where you had applied for the position of Project Supervisor. I hereby write this letter…
Conference Invitation Letter Sample
COMPANY’S NAME ADDRESS LOCATION DATE Dear ______, REF: INVITATION FOR A CONFERENCE Greetings to you. We cordially invite you to our business conference that will take place at the Hilton Hotel conference room 25-th of October at 10 a.m. The conference will include, but not limited to: Introduction to new marketing opportunities in the Far East. This will help you scale into the untapped potential into populous countries like China. You will be shown how to create advertisement online…
Sample Invitation Letter for Visa
An invitation visa is a permit document that allows you to enter a foreign country and stay on its territory for a certain time. A guest visa is issued for private visits to relatives (friends), business trips to conclude contracts with business partners, participation in conferences, and to discuss issues of joint activities or receive education. The reason for issuing a visa of this type becomes an invitation letter, which is a kind of letter written, depending on the requirements of the country where the journey takes place, either in a free form or on a letterhead of the established form.
An invitation letter is handled by the inviting party. In some countries, it is enough for the inviter to write a letter by hand and fax to his or her guest, while in others, the procedure for issuing the document is not complete without a visit to the authorities, and the invitation for the visa itself is accepted only in its original form. To understand how to write this type of letter, you need to find a sample invitation letter for tourist visa.
A sample invitation letter for business visa is done by a company officially registered in the country. The document contains the full details of the company, starting from its name and legal addresses, and ending with bank data. Also, an invitation letter must confirm the type of business relationship with the guest: the signing of contracts, the exchange of experience, participation in the conference, and so on.
A sample invitation for US visa is written taking into account that a visa to America by invitation is classifies as B2. Visas of this type are issued for a period of up to three years and are considered multiple. The length of stay in the country each time is determined by the Border Guard Service for each foreigner individually. But the maximum period cannot exceed 180 days per visit.
A sample invitation letter to Canada is done by a person living in this country. In addition, the consulate will request a copy of the passport of the inviter and a certificate of employment or a bank statement to confirm its financial viability. It is not necessary to notarize the invitation letter. In this regard, the requirements of the Canadian authorities are more democratic than, for example, in Germany, where the document is drawn up in a strictly defined form and certified by the police department.
Invitation Letter Sample for Event
Example of an invitation letter to an event # 1:
Dear John Smith,
It is time for the annual corporate party. This year it will be held in [place] from 18:00 to 23:00. Join us so that we can celebrate the outgoing year together, discuss future plans, and evaluate all that has been done this year.
Nick Cave
Sample invitation letter for social event # 2:
Dear John Smith,
To celebrate our recent success, we are going to organize a celebratory dinner on July 13, 2019, at 6:00 pm. Please join us at the [name] restaurant to celebrate this event. We hope that you can join us.
Nick Cave
Sample letter of invitation to attend event # 3:
Dear John Smith,
Join us at the celebration of Employee of the Year. This will be a special dinner, which will take place on July 13, 2019, at 6:00 pm at [place]. You and the guest are invited to the party, where we will thank the staff who have made a valuable contribution to the development of the company.
Nick Cave
Sample invitation letter for event participation # 4:
Dear John Smith,
We are having a party … and you are invited! Join us for the annual picnic, which will take place on July 13, 2019, at 18:00. There will be an opportunity to eat, play games, and chat with friends and colleagues. This is an event that you do not want to miss. We hope to see you there.
Yours faithfully,
Nick Cave
Letter # 5:
Dear John Smith,
It happens only once a year, but it is always expected. It’s time for the annual party! This year, join us on July 13, 2019, at 18:00. It will be fun and interesting for your whole family. We hope you can come.
Nick Cave
Professional Conference Invitation Letter Sample
Group invitation letter sample # 1:
Dear colleagues!
We invite you to become participants of the [name] scientific conference.
Subject [name] has long attracted the attention of specialists. At the conference, we would like to talk about […]. And, of course, it will be about […].
It is planned to accompany the conference with an exhibition of subjects illustrating the topics covered. The publication of texts of reports and the exhibition catalog will be held.
The conference will take place on August 12, 2019, in the business center “Delta” (New York, 89 E. Birchpond Drive, Whitestone).
Applications should be sent by August 10, 2019.
Yours faithfully,
Nick Cave
Letter # 2:
Dear John Smith,
We invite you to an international conference [name].
The main objectives of the conference:
• task 1
• task 2
• task 3
In the conference program:
• Event 1
• Event 2
• Event 3
The registration fee for participation in the conference is $1000, including transfer, meals, coffee breaks, and stationery.
Conference Regulations:
Check-in from 8:00 to 9:00 am.
The conference starts at 9:00 am.
Conference location:
Nonresident participants are provided hotel accommodation.
Applications for participation in the conference are accepted until August 15, 2019, in the form of email addresses: [email protected] or [mail address].
For organizational matters please contact: [name, surname of contact person], phone: [number], email address: [mail address].
Yours faithfully,
Nick Cave
Letter # 3:
Dear John Smith,
LLC “Delta” and LLC “New Technologies” are holding the innovative scientific conference [name].
During the conference, it is planned to analyze the situation in the individual housing construction market, review the trends emerging there, discuss innovative solutions proposed for implementation in the field of individual housing construction, and show prospects for using local resources to develop low-cost individual housing construction.
The conference will be attended by representatives of regional executive authorities and municipalities, agricultural organizations, construction and design organizations, and the authors of innovative developments.
Participation in the conference is free.
The conference will take place on August 12, 2019, in New York, at the address 89 E. Birchpond Drive, Whitestone.
Conference Organizing Committee: [phone].
Yours faithfully,
Nick Cave
Letter # 4:
Dear John Smith,
Company “Delta” invites you to take part in the conference [name]. The conference is focused on the participation of heads of enterprises, chief engineers, chief designers and technologists, chief engineers of projects, and heads of design automation and information technology departments.
Venue: New York, 89 E. Birchpond Drive, Whitestone. To participate, you must register on the corporate website:
Yours faithfully,
Nick Cave
Letter # 5:
Dear colleagues!
Delta is pleased to invite you to the conference [name], which will be held 12/12/2018 at [venue].
The conference will consider the general concept of ensuring information security of the enterprise. The speakers will familiarize participants with security systems solutions using specialized software, and solutions based on specialized equipment will also be presented.
Participation in the conference is free, with mandatory pre-registration. You can register by filling out an application (in the attachment) and sending it to: [email protected].
We will be glad to see you at the conference!
Yours faithfully,
Nick Cave
Formal Invitation Letter Sample
Ladies and gentlemen!
We invite you to attend the consulting and practical conference [name], which will be held from August 12, 2019, to August 22, 2019, in New York City in the [venue].
The conference is aimed at business leaders, top managers, IT directors of medium and large trade and manufacturing enterprises, and anyone interested in methods of improving enterprise management using modern information technologies.
The purpose of the conference is to show how information technologies can help improve enterprise management, increase business profitability, reduce costs, increase capital turnover, etc. All these tasks are directly related to the effective work of the enterprise in the conditions of market competition.
At the conference you can get acquainted with the experience of such companies as:
• Company 1
• Company 2
• Company 3
For a more effective exchange of information, each training session includes both a lecture and a discussion. Thanks to the participation of consultants from different companies, you can get several points of view on resolving the problems of enterprise management, evaluate them, and draw conclusions about the feasibility of applying certain techniques.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the subject matter of the conference is focused on the issues of enterprise development, therefore, you can have the most effect by sending specialists who today play a decisive role in the transformation of your enterprise.
Participation conditions: [website page address]
Conference program: [website page address]
Short abstracts of reports: [website page address]
We are waiting for you at the conference. You have a unique opportunity to gain new knowledge, share experiences with colleagues, and relax in a picturesque [city].
For more information, please call: [phones], or send a request to [email protected].
Yours faithfully,
Nick Cave
In this article, we talked about the invitation letter and presented samples to show the differences from other types of letters. Using our samples is the best way to create your own invitation letter for gathering the maximum possible number of participants at an event or to get a visa. Check out also a guide on our site to know the basic rules of writing invitation letters. Read more about how to write an invitation letter and find an invitation letter sample on our site.