Business Email Examples

Business Email Example: Magic Cruise

March 2nd, 2017

To: Anna Mikado <[email protected]>; Cc: Ron Dawson <[email protected]>; Subject: Magic Cruise Description Anna: I reviewed the cruise descriptions that Magic Cruise sent us and have a few suggestions for improving them before we send them to the tour developers. After talking to Ron and reviewing the updated information on the Magic website, I found three weaknesses. The major problem is that the list of cruises is out of date. Magic Cruise no longer offers the Cradle of Civilization cruise in…

Business Email Example: Job Offer

March 2nd, 2017

To: Miranda Care CC: Patty Smith Subject: Job Offer Dear Miranda, As we discussed earlier on the phone, I am pleased to accept the position of Communication Manager at Apple Company. Thank you for such a great opportunity. I will be happy to make a meaningful contribution to the company and work as part of the Apple Team. As discussed, I understand my salary while on the probationary period will be $35,000 and $40,000 thereafter, and health and life insurance…

Business Email Example: Software

March 2nd, 2017

Handle business in your powerful hands with the right software! To: Will Smith CC: Martin King Subject: Handle business in your powerful hands with the right software! Dear Will Smith, We suppose that you have a business, and an objective that you want to come true. In today’s complex world you need to manage the functions of sales, marketing, procurement, advertising, and training departments. This is too much for one person to handle, even for the most hard-working person. However,…

Business Email Samples to Simplify Your Workday

Are you tired of reading confusing and complex instructions on how to write a business e-mail and business writing in general? Don’t worry! Our business email samples will teach you how to write a professional business letter much faster and easier than any guideline. Moreover, we offer you the chance to look through the article we’ve placed below. Here, we examine four different topics that are related to business emails:

  • communicative situations when you need business emails;
  • aspects you should pay attention to while reading our samples;
  • dissimilarities between business emails and business memos;
  • polite and formal salutations for business emails.

We are sure that you would be quite interested in this information if you want to compose a great business letter. We only want to wish you good luck on your way up the career ladder!

Why You Need Business Emails

First of all, business emails are a method of communication for the working environment. You can be less formal when it comes to personal communication with colleagues but you can’t afford any familiarity when you communicate with your business partners, suppliers, potential employees, or government officials. That is the most frequent communicative situation when you need a business email written according to the rules.

One more task that can be done with the help of business letters is a promotion of your company, website, or blog. When your clients give you information about their email addresses and permission to use them, you may send newsletters with interesting information about your company’s activities: sales, new products, special offers, etc.

Finally, business emails are an appropriate method to conduct business negotiations. It is much easier to look for necessary information when it is well-structured by a search engine in comparison to a bunch of papers that can be lost in the office mess. Moreover, the emails can be better than even personal meetings. You don’t always have time to drive across your town or fly to another country to meet your business partners. On the other hand, you always have time to write an email. Plus, no one can trick you if you have the entire course of the negotiations in printed form.

A proper business email sample will show you in a favorable light and prove that you take your business seriously. Don’t neglect general rules and formalities, and your business letters will be right on the money!

How You Can Use Our Business Email Templates

The business email examples placed on our website were written by professional authors, so you can learn many useful tips about writing emails while reading them. Let’s specify the aspects of our samples that you could be interested in:


Appropriate structure is one of the crucial features of a business email. You have to know for sure which phrase should be at the beginning of your email and what information should be reserved for the ending. The order of the presentation is not a simple formality. The way you write your letter can influence the way your recipient will react. Gratitude, polite request, questions – all these elements have a certain place in a good business email. You can learn more about them while reading our business email sample.

Formal language

Being formal is not as easy as it sounds. Of course, you can learn all the rules of the formal writing style, but reading our samples will greatly simplify your task. Pay attention to word choice, grammar, salutations, and other aspects of formal language that differ from the colloquial variant.


Sometimes, putting the words together can be a rather difficult task, especially for those who are used to working with numbers and mathematical formulas. There is nothing wrong about copying elegant wordings or unwonted phrase in order to make your business letter better. Please, remember that copying entire texts or paragraphs is forbidden. Our website is not aimed at the promotion of academic dishonesty. Don’t commit plagiarism!


After all, some people need motivation to start writing a business mail sample. If the appropriate words don’t come to mind, you shouldn’t worry. Start reading our texts and the first sentence of your letter will take shape in your consciousness in the blink of an eye.

Differences Between Business Email and Business Memo

The world of business writing can be tangled and ambiguous sometimes. You are not always sure that you are using a suitable piece of writing to inform your colleagues, partners, or suppliers about current events or any changes. The difference between a CV and a resume or a marketing plan and a growth business plan doesn’t seem significant, but when you are not able to distinguish one from another, it shows your incompetence and ignorance.

The same applies to a business email and a business memorandum, or memo for short. Although their spheres of use are similar, their writing style, targeted audience, and formatting differ substantially. That’s why we want to tell you about dissimilarities between a business email and a business memo in addition to our business email examples.

Business memos are inside documents, which is why you can allow yourself to use language that is less formal. Sure, you should refrain from using slang or numerous exclamations, but you can feel free to express yourself in regard to your emotional tone. If you want to inform your colleagues about the success of a big project, a positive and encouraging tone will be totally appropriate in this case. At the same time, any kind of familiarity is unacceptable for business letters. It doesn’t matter whether you write about hiring a candidate or a fall in share prices. Your tone remains the same: indifferent and formal.

As we mentioned above, the targeted audience of the business memo is the current workers of your company or department. The recipients of business emails are persons from the outside, so they are frequently not aware of general information about your company. This is why all business emails are written on business stationery. Business stationery denotes the identity of your business. As a rule, it includes the corporate logo, the official name, the year of establishment, and the consumer contact numbers placed on the top of the paper. Business memos usually have a standard header that consists of four lines: name of the recipient, name of the sender, date, and subject.

Business emails, in contrast to memos, always include a proper salutation, sign-off, and signature. They may also have a postscript that is not common for memos. Don’t forget about it when you write your own business email sample!

The last dissimilarity is the length of the text. There is no word limit for business letters. You should be concise and concrete but the length depends only on the volume of information you want to provide. As for business memos, they are sent to constantly busy people in the middle of a workday. They are unlikely to thoroughly read a text that takes more than one page. That is why business memos should develop only one topic at a time (read our guide on how to choose and formulate business email topics).

Proper Salutations for Your Business Email Template

A nice and polite salutation is your best chance to make a good first impression. There are many different formulas that you can use. The choice of salutation depends on a few factors:

  • whether you know your recipient personally or not;
  • whether your posts are equal;
  • whether you prefer a more or less cordial tone.

Let’s examine three different types of salutations that you can use in your business email template.

1. Standard Type

A standard salutation consists of three parts: the word “dear,” the person’s title, and his or her last name. Although this type might seem old-fashioned, it still sounds professional and respectful. Anyway, that is the best way to start your business letter if you do not feel confident enough to use other variants.
This type includes a few variations. You may use the person’s first name instead of the title and the last name if you are not sure about this information. Consequently, the most preferred version is “Dear Mrs. Williams,” but “Dear Mary” is also acceptable.

2. Less Formal Type

You have to be sure if you and the recipient have a cordial business relationship to use the word “Greetings” or other phrases like “Good evening” and “Good morning” in your business letter. Although these greetings are more formal than “hi,” don’t use them if you are not sure.

3. Friendly Type

If you don’t want to sound too formal, you are welcome to use a simple “hi.” You can use it with the person’s first name, e. g. “Hi, Harry.” Sometimes, this kind of salutation may be defined by company procedures. Remember that this salutation is absolutely unacceptable if the post of your recipient is higher than yours, and your relationships are far removed from cordial.


As you can see, writing of business emails can be rather challenging, especially for newbies in the business world. However, we hope that our business email templates will help you with creating your own letters. Our website is always at your disposal when you need to solve some writing problems or improve your writing skills.