Be Successful With a Follow Up Letter Sample
Follow-Up Letter
Colin Gilmort December 12, 2012 Sales Manager Hilarious Techs Inc. 6698 Green Ave. Birmingham, MA 11144 Mr. Philip Brook Industry Wheels Co. 7789 Village St. Westwood, WA 96547 Dear Mr. Brook, I would like to express my thanks for your attendance at the business…
Follow-Up Letter Sample
Mr. Gregory Bor Super Graphics Designers 92 Delaware St. Hatfield, WA 24 May, 2013 Dear Mr. Bor, I am Simone Franz, an applicant for the position of Graphic Designer, as advertised in the magazine Computer Technologies. I am writing this letter to confirm that my resume was received and to reiterate my interest in your esteemed company. I believe that my experience and skills would benefit your company and match the position. If your office did not receive my resume,…
Who Else Wants to Be Successful With a Follow Up Letter Sample
Below we present a recommendation on how to write a follow up letter, as well as a polite follow up email sample for a job application and a template showing the format used to write your own letters.
Follow Up Letter Sample After No Response
Use the second follow up email after interview sample below as a template for your own letter.
Mr. John Smith
Yellow Ducks
5 Hill Field Ave.
Petersburg, VA 23803
Dear Mr. Smith,
I sent a letter of application and CV at the beginning of this month for the copywriter position declared on LinkedIn. To date, I have not received feedback from you. I would like to acknowledge receipt of my application and confirm my interest in the work. I am very interested in working at Yellow Ducks, and I believe that my skills and experience will be the perfect combination for this position. In particular, my five years as an award-winning copywriter at Sweet Flowers Company makes me very suitable for this position and company.
Please let me know if you need any additional materials from me.
I can be contacted at (555) 123-4567 or [email protected]. I am looking forward to your reply.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours faithfully,
Signature (printed letter)
Katherine Dean
This interview follow up email after a week sample will help you in writing your own letter.
Follow Up Email Template to a Client
Secretly, you want your follow up letter to do more than just congratulate the subscriber on a subscription, or after a phone conversation with him or her. You want it to encourage the client to take action that will increase the value to you, for example, prompting him or her to make the first purchase or create an account.
No, we do not urge you to abandon the usual warm words of greeting. But you should definitely think strategically about the goals and objectives of the letter, to calculate in advance its content and best qualities.
Look at the follow up email sample to a client. “Welcome to the team – what now?” “Welcome to Yellow Ducks + Get 15% Off,” “Hello, stranger, we are happy to see you … get 10% of the purchase by promo code.”
If you offer a discount, freebie, or other incentives, let them know immediately in a follow up letter. The internet is full of wonderful examples of follow up letters. Below we present extremely successful examples of follow up letters to clients.
Title: Welcome to Yellow Ducks Cosmetics!
Subtitle: Get a 10% discount on your next purchase.
Why it works: this follow up letter covers all the main points. The title welcomes the new subscriber, and the subtitle calls for action. A client may receive this letter after visiting a store and filling out a form (mentioning email) to get a discount card, or after the registration on the online store.
The letter may include the company’s pricing and competitive differences, and it also may have a catchy image. Plus, the subscriber is sent back to the site, attracting him or her with a 10% discount.
Follow Up Email After Meeting Sample
The rule of good business tone is to send a letter with the results of the negotiations. Where you work, if it is not an asphalt plant, it can be called a meeting report or follow up letter.
Why send a follow up letter with the results?
– To speak in the same language.
Example: Agreed about the payment. You realized that the money for the work will come before Tuesday. The client was going to pay on Thursday. Everyone was satisfied, but you, as a good partner, sent a letter, where you indicated all the agreements. The second side saw a misunderstanding in the dates and quickly responded – conflict and internal insult for deadlines are avoided.
– For transparency of the process.
There are a lot of project participants. Perhaps someone was late, or someone was sick. Missed information is a loss of money.
– Fixing of commitments and tasks.
At the meetings, we can be distracted, go out, etc. The person responsible for the email will record everything and inform.
– You can ask questions that was not discussed because of the lack of time.
This item is a bonus, but it is also important.
At the meeting, there should be a person responsible for writing the email. This ensures that the letter will be written and sent to the participants. But no one has canceled personal responsibility. The text of the letter before sending needs to be shown to someone else from the participants of the meeting. This way you can check whether one of the items is missing, and whether everything is transferred correctly.
Write correctly. This is important. Check the text yourself. Delete unknown words, and make simple sentences. Use lists. Put links to documents. Expand the discussion context: attach links on the topic, and send documents on the project. If meetings are held regularly, keep a separate document with the text of all the letters.
Do not go deeper into a specific task. Take out important topics in a separate letter (money, launching of an advertising campaign, etc.). In the items with the tasks, specify the name of the person in charge. In the “to” email field, indicate the participants and those responsible for the tasks.
Include everyone who should be aware. Ask yourself: “Will this letter be understood by a person who was not at the meeting, but knows the project?” If the answer is yes, send it. One word about the timing: send the letter within three or four hours after the meeting. If it is an evening meeting, send it in the morning. When the follow up letter with the results becomes regular, people get used to it and start ignoring it, even if there is a task list. It is important to push those responsible. This is the task of the manager.
Sample – Follow Up Email After Phone Interview
Three reasons to write to a recruiter:
- The letter will remind them about you. If HR spoke with a dozen candidates, and the letter came only from you, this will be an additional point in your favor.
- This is a chance to get rid of understatement, to joke, or to say about what they forgot.
- Politeness is nice. It is easy to thank a person for a pleasant conversation, for a chance. Or maybe you want to get feedback on what was wrong, why, and what you should work on.
Check out a few templates to know how to start.
Template # 1:
Good afternoon / evening, [name],
It was nice to talk with you today, despite my excitement. Thank you for your time, your answers to questions, and your attentiveness.
If you have any questions for me, I will be happy to answer them!
I attached to the letter [portfolio] that you asked to send.
Yours faithfully,
+ contacts
Template # 2:
Good afternoon / evening, [name]!
Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the possibility of working in the company [name] in the position [name].
I hope that my skills, professional experience, and personal qualities will help me to become part of the team and to show myself.
Thank you for spending your time – it was nice to get to know about the company’s work more closely.
If you have any questions, I am always in touch and I will be ready to answer them.
Yours faithfully,
+ contacts
Template # 3:
Good afternoon / evening, [name],
Thank you for the interview and the opportunity to know more about the work of the company [name].
After all I have heard, I wanted to become part of the team even more. I still have one question regarding [subject + question].
I will wait for an answer!
Yours faithfully,
+ contacts
Follow Up Email Sample – Mistakes
- Excessive politeness
Try to limit yourself to a few words of gratitude and no more. There is a danger of making an impression as a sneak.
- Flattery
Sincerely write about what you liked in the interview or what company values are close to you. Be honest – you should not lie or exaggerate.
- Excessive emotionalism
A whole series of exclamation marks, emoticons with hearts, enthusiastic odes about the company – avoid writing things like this.
- A pity
In no case should you oppress the person on the other side of the screen – do not say that this is your last chance or you do not have enough money.
- Overconfidence that you will be taken
Overconfidence and self-confidence are different things. Give the recruiter time to think; there is no need to push and schedule the next meeting.
When you need to write a follow up letter, a good sample and a guide is what you need. Even if you have never written such letters before, an example will help you to do it easily. It is important to have a template if you don’t want to spoil the first impression. Share your rules of follow up letters here in the comments if you have some.