Follow-Up Letter

Colin Gilmort                                                                           December 12, 2012

Sales Manager
Hilarious Techs Inc.
6698 Green Ave.
Birmingham, MA 11144

Mr. Philip Brook
Industry Wheels Co.
7789 Village St.
Westwood, WA 96547

Dear Mr. Brook,

I would like to express my thanks for your attendance at the business meeting on the 10th of December, giving our company the opportunity to show the benefits of using Hilarious Techs. The meeting gave me an excellent overview and insight into your business and I hope that we can work together very soon.

Answering your question about crediting your purchases, I want to inform you that this is possible and the percent under the credit will be 10% per year. You are available for such credit immediately.

I have taken the opportunity to send you another video of material that I created for a client with a similar business. I think this video provides another strong example of our machines’ quality and it will give you an idea of how we might approach your needs.

Our machines are completely suitable for all the needs you mentioned during our meeting. Their warranty lasts for three years and their maintenance is available in any state in the country.
Furthering your request, I have enclosed a sales brochure with your main business interests highlighted throughout. I am confident that you will find our machines an excellent match to your company’s requirements. I would like to bring a special introductory offer to your attention: a 10% discount that is applicable if an order is submitted by the end of the year.

You can place an order through me at 12-454-4544, [email protected] or though another member of our customer services team. Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you require any further information on any of our products or services.

I look forward to hearing from you and building a happy and long association with your company.

Yours sincerely,
Colin Gilmort

Enclosure: Product Brochure

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