What Effect Does Bullying Have on Children?

Bullying can happen anywhere: at home, school, or even online. It is not a normal part of growing up. Bullying is the misuse of authority through repeated physical, verbal, or social behavior that causes social, physical, or psychological harm. It can happen anytime. Nearly 10% of children in the United States are being bullied, and a recent study suggests that about 80% to 90% of children and teens are already being physically and emotionally harassed (Glew et al.).

Bullying can happen at home, and includes physical, verbal, or social type behavior. It is likely to occur in families with more children due to limited parental affection, which causes siblings to discriminate against others and involves those who have power over others. It is best that parents dedicate quality time to their children and get involved with their activities. Bullying also can happen in school, making students feel discouraged when going to school. They feel very lonely knowing that bullies have taken their friends away. They are afraid they will be bullied if they go around with anyone. It is upsetting for them and would require support from someone else.

Cyberbullying is a form of bullying where someone online makes repeated threats, insults, and even shares private images without the consent of the other person. These cases are quite common today, as social media has been incorporated in almost every person’s daily activities. Everyone must be aware of virtual safety, and if it happens, it should be reported immediately.

According to Katie Hurley, bullying could cause a lot of negative effects to an individual, be it short term or long term. Every victim tends to isolate themselves due to the feelings of shame. Not all are aware of how bullying can have a huge psychological impact on a child. Bullying victims might experience low self-esteem, the feeling of uneasiness towards people around them. Some might even develop a change of habits, and in the worst case scenario, the victim may develop anxiety which may lead to depression.

Bullying, unfortunately, is part of many people’s daily life even though they may not be aware of it. Several cases of suicide are reported yearly from bullying, leading groups and organizations to take a stand for victims.
Movements fighting against bullying have already been created. Laws are being mandated to fight bullying and to provide corrective measures for those who initiate bullying. Taking a stand against bullying should start among ourselves. If we experience bullying or witness an act of bullying, we should not hesitate to approach a person who may be able to help out with the case. We should always be kind and mindful of the fact that we are not aware of the struggles that each person deals with in their everyday lives. As the saying goes, “Do not do unto others what you don’t want others to do unto you.”

Works Cited

Glew, G., Rivara, F. & Feudtner, C. “Bullying: Children Hurting Children.” Pediatrics in Review, 21(6), 183. Retrieved from https://pedsinreview.aappublications.org.
K. Hurley. “Short Term and Long Term Effects of Bullying.” Psycom. Retrieved August 22, 2019 from https://www.psycom.net/effects-of-bullying.

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