Sponsor Inquiry Letter Sample
Kelly Prinx
NGO Help for Orphans
75 Oxford Street
London 56789
Phone +7445780086
[email protected]
Ronald Evans
World Children’s Foundation
145 Victory Street
Birmingham 34565
Dear Mr. Evans,
I am the Executive Director of the NGO Help for Orphans. With regard to your article in the newspaper ‘The Sunday Times’ on the 15th of May, I would like to inquire whether you are kindly willing to be our sponsor and allocate an investment of $50,000 to help orphans in Tennessee, and also worldwide.
Our non-governmental organization Help for Orphans was founded in 1990. Since that time, it has been working for the sake of helping children who are left without their parents’ support. We have already initiated many projects all over the world. For instance, we have provided orphans in Nigeria, Sudan, Mali and Zambia with food and articles of prime necessity. Moreover, every month we organize open parties at orphanages, which can be visited by any volunteer and especially people who want to adopt a child. We usually invite local celebrities and famous people to these parties, who kindly agree to participate in concerts for orphans. Even such world famous singers as Sting, Anastasia and Mell B have visited our parties and were really pleased to see the children’s true admiration of their talent. In addition to this, last year, by collaborating with other organizations abroad, we succeeded in the project ‘Get Every Child Dressed,’ which consisted of gathering new or used clothes all over Great Britain, France, Spain and Italy. After, we delivered clothes to 230 orphanages to various European countries. All in all, with the help of the government, our budget is at $100,000 currently. This figure is not substantial if one takes our aid worldwide into account.
We are kindly asking you to allocate money to our organization. The matter is that our range of assistance is wide. We try to aid as many orphans as it is possible. The support of the government and the private organizations means a lot to us, but it is not enough for our new project ‘Lucky Kids,’ which we would like to host in Tennessee. We would highly appreciate your support in order to purchase computers for children in 20 orphanage houses.
I am looking forward to your reply. Thanking you in advance for your help.
If you need any further information, you may contact me by cell phone: +7445780086 or by email: [email protected]
Yours sincerely,
Kelly Prinx
Executive Director of the NGO Help for Orphans
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