Example of a Blog Post: Newsletter

Creating an Attractive Freelance Email Newsletter

In order to grow your freelance services, you must consistently work hard to attract new clients while retaining your existing customers. The email newsletter is a fast and effective tool for marketing purposes.

The purpose of this blog posting is to provide you with instructions on how to compose an effective email newsletter aimed at increasing and maintaining your freelance client base. You will discover how to select reliable email programs, compose attention-getting content, turn email recipients into clients, and prevent your email from being identified as spam.

A Freelancer’s Advantage in Utilizing an Email Newsletter

The email newsletter is an incredibly inexpensive marketing tool. If handled correctly, the email will help you to develop sustainable relationships with your customers while increasing the level of confidence they have in your freelance work on a consistent basis.

Plan your content!

To get good results, schedule your emails on a regular basis. Choose whether you are sending content to your potential and existing clients weekly, monthly, or on some other schedule. It is always important to plan the timing of distributions to achieve desirable outcomes.

Incentives for Subscribing to an Email Newsletter

There are many incentives that can be offered to encourage future clients to subscribe to an email newsletter. It is important to offer something that will spark the interest of your intended clientele. Before developing an offer, though, investigate what attracts your targeted audience.

The Secret for Minimizing Time Spent on Developing Newsletters

Writing interesting, useful content for a weekly or monthly newsletter can be challenging. Finding time is also difficult – especially if your newsletter is doing its job by bringing in work.
However, there are strategies that can help to minimize the time you spend on composing and emailing each newsletter. One is to utilize a template with a set design. You can have certain placeholders in the template for contact information, coupons, weekly or monthly informative articles, or study tips for your clients. In addition, the right software can make emailing newsletters much faster, such as the utilization of mail-merge. These points are important when considering what email service or programs to use in constructing your newsletter and in utilizing a database for mail-merge purposes.

Turn Readers into Clients

Sending a newsletter is just one part of a marketing strategy. Be certain to keep up with your client base. Some software programs will allow you to see when your email is opened by the recipient. This is important. Is it being deleted without being opened? If so, what might you do to entice the recipient to read it before discarding it? Look at your email address. Does it sound professional? Look at your subject line? Look at the size of the newsletter? Is it small enough to easily be accepted by the recipient’s email system? Finally, make certain that you are able to respond to client requests for additional information or for orders in a timely and consistent manner.

Creating a Newsletter for Existing Customers

Consider having two newsletters, one for potential new clients and one for existing clients. Potential clients do not know you, and so your message will be different from the one you send out to existing clients. Existing clients may need to be reminded of your quality service and what you have to offer. Incentives for placing orders may also differ between the two groups.

Don’t Fall Into a Spam Folder

You need to be sure that you minimize the chance that your email letter will be mistaken for spam. There is always a chance that people who do not recognize your email or who do not want to receive it will mark your email address as spam. However, the more you do to overcome this problem, the better. Educate yourself on keywords to avoid in both your subject line and the content of your email to lessen the chance that it will be flagged as spam. Again, look at your email address to help ensure that it sounds professional while at the same time reflecting the purpose of your business.